> updated 25/05/15
The Eagle Scout Mentor Pin is for CIVILIAN WEAR ONLY. Like the Mothers' and
Fathers' Pins, the Mentor Pin is designed for the Eagle Mentor to wear on a suit or tie
or as a hat pin (personally, I think that it's too nice a pin for a hat pin).
It is NOT a uniform item -- even to wear on the collar or pocket flap.
Boy Scout
Civilian Wear
Lapel Pins
Lapel Pins
The following describes various types and descriptions of pins designed for wear with non-uniform
clothing -- most notably with a man or woman's suit, a vest, or a jacket. Most of these items were
designed by the BSA to be worn with the official "dress uniform" of the BSA or with civilan/personal
semi-formal dress.
Here's an example of where such items would go. I choose to wear no more than three; you may choose
to only wear one or two. That's your decision and yours alone.
Where to wear lapel pins
The reason why they should not be worn with the official Scout or Scouter uniform is because in many
cases there are cloth patches for youth and adults which represent these items. Still many adults wear
especially the small pins given to them as Eagle Mentors, as Recruiters, or as Organizers because "I really
don't know what else to do with them... they're Boy Scout awards right??"
All of these are designed to be worn on the left side/left lapel of the suit, dress, vest, or jacket; but in reality
you can wear them anywhere you like... but you should NOT wear any of them on the field uniform.
What are we talking about? Here's a photo of some of the more commonly seen pins...
An assortment of lapel pins
The most common of the various lapel pins are those worn by volunteers, supporters and professional members of the Boy Scouts of America.
In the first days, they wore a pin with the First Class Boy Scout rank on their left lapel (shown above, lower center left); in 1957 the BSA adopted
the Tenderfoot rank on their left lapel (shown above, lower center right, what is commonly called today the "Universal Emblem") as the official
(There is a separate page which address various rank Parents' Pins)
Other pins include lapel pins to wear representing the Silver Beaver (shown above, bottom left), Silver Antelope, and Silver Buffalo Awards;
pins representing various religious service awards; pins representing Wood Badge (shown above, top center right), and various national
service awards like the Young Service Award. The Order of the Arrow's Vigil Honor pin is a lapel pin which may also be worn on the various "dangles" suspended from the right pocket flap. There are also lapel pins for those who have been honored with the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award or the Outstanding Eagle Scout Award as shown below:
Distinguished Eagle (left) and/Outstanding Eagle (right) Award lapel pins
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Credits: Scans courtesy of Mike Walton.
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*Boy Scouts of America®, BSA®, the Universal Emblem, Arrow of Light®, Cub Scouts®, Eagle Scout®, Scouting®, Order of the Arrow®
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