COL (Ret.) Mike Walton #244 2038 Ford Parkway,br> Saint Paul, MN 55116
<> <> <> <> Voice: 1-877-278-0159 On Skype ™ : settummanque On Twitter/X ™ :@settummanque On LinkedIn ™ : Mike Walton On Facebook ™ : Mike Walton or Settummanque |
Greetings! Over the years, many Scouters and others have asked three key questions which is the purpose of this page:
Who are you -- really?
What I am NOT is an electronic version of "Pedro, the Boys' Life Burro," someone who is on the BSA's payroll to respond to online inquiries from the public and in particular Scouts and Scouters. I am NOT a member of the BSA's national-level professional staff nor am I am a fulltime employee of the BSA. I serve on several national-level committees and task forces, as a Territorial (regional) volunteer, but my primary service is at the local Council level. Likewise, I am NOT a member of any local Council's professional staff but I am a Council-level volunteer.
I am NOT a "made up person" representing anyone at the BSA's National, Territorial or local offices, either! I am a REAL LIVE PERSON. Believe it -- it's very true!
My name IS Mike Walton. In my youth, I was a Cub Scout, Scout, and Explorer. I served as a Cub Scout, Scout, Varsity Scout, Exploring, and Sea Exploring volunteer leader. I also served as a volunteer at the District, Council, Area, Regional/Territorial and National levels and was an Paraprofessional for close to four years while in college, leaving to qualify for entry on active duty as an Army officer.
I am a retired commissioned officer in the United States Army. I started my military career with the Kentucky Army National Guard and have served in the Army Reserve. In the last close to 40 years, I've seen much of the globe and have been to several places more than twice. I'm a Desert Storm, Joint Endeavor/Joint Guard, Enduring Freedom, Noble Eagle, and most recently an Iraqi Freedom veteran for the second time. I have also been to New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina and served in Hondurus and Guatemala City in the aftermath of hurricanes down there. I have also taken part in several contingency missions in west and central Africa and in Asia which I'm very proud to have served of as a representative of the American people. I served as a part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and later as a civilian employee of the Departments of the Air Force and the Defense Department before I retired.
I have had an interest in knowing as much as I can about Scouting since childhood, and instead of keeping it all to myself, I share what I know every single day with parents, other volunteers and with professionals in and out of Scouting in a number of different ways...mainly in three or four:
You look like a General in the Scouts. Are you one? Can you explain all of the badges you proudly wear please?
Thanks for the compliment. Actually, I am more like an old Sergeant Major or Chief Master Petty Officer -- one of those "old guys" that have been around the program for a long time and can tell you many things about the program today and in the past - some not in print! There are people who say that I don't "have a life" even though I really do have an active life. Between my hobbies, which include travel, reading, writing and listening to a variety of music, I have family and great friends all over the nation whom I visit or stay in touch with. I enjoy yard sales and auctions, and not just for the Scouting-related items. My home is designed in "Early American Yard Sale", with many of the things housing books, binders and knic-knacks coming from other homes!
Others have stated that "I'm a show-off", wearing "every badge I've ever earned or received". In reality, I could not fit everything I have received or earned over a fifty-plus year Scouting period on my shirt, nor would I want to do so if I could! I only wear about a HALF of the awards I have received or earned; some I have refused to wear simply because I feel they were just "given" to me as an excuse and not for anything I have truly performed or was deeply involved in.
And if I had to wear only one of those "knot things" on my shirt, my Eagle Scout Badge with the Silver and Gold palms would be the one I would choose to wear.
I am very sensitive to wearing the shirt you see above to formal Scouting events; there are other events in which I will "tone down the Christmas Tree", as as my second former spouse Jessica called that shirt. Instead, I will wear another shirt with much less items on it. Unless I'm a part of the program, a "toned down" shirt is what I would wear to Eagle Scout Courts of Honor, shifting the "wow" from some guy standing in the back or side of the room to where it needs to be -- with the Scout being honored with the highest rank in Scouting: the Eagle Scout Badge.
I keep a shirt and set of Wood Badge beads in the trunk of my car just for those opportunities!
The awards I wear can be earned or received by any volunteer, and in the grander scheme of life, I hold only a few of those special awards. My mates, when I was married, fielded a LOT of questions about why I "don't have the "grand Poohbah award" or some other recognition. Some day, perhaps, I'll be honored with those. In the meantime, I just keep doing my best, what I have been doing since 1967.
I was honored by the Iraqi Scouting Association with their National Service Award; and have received other nations' service awards (among them, one from Germany and the other from the Netherlands). I am also a BSA Silver Beaver Award and been honored with the Order of the Arrow's Vigil Honor recogntion. I do hold two local or Regional "Silver" (Silver Big Horn and Silver Scouter) Awards.
I am a receipient of the Arrow of Light (Cub Scouting), Eagle Scout (Scouting) and Exploring Achievement (Exploring) Awards. Additionally, I hold the William T. Hornaday Conservation Award/National Conservation Award medal, the BSA's Heroism Award, and the Youth Leadership in America Award earned as an Explorer Post President. I have earned a youth and received several adult religious emblems; and has been honored with several awards for service to a Council Exploring Division, to the Exploring program of a local Council, and to rural and urban youth in the central western part of Appalachia. I own the National, two Regional and two local Council Exploring Leadership Awards.
I have received training awards as a Cub Scout, Scout, Exploring, Sea Exploring, and District committee leader; training keys as a Scoutmaster, Explorer Advisor, Committeemember, and Commissioner; the Distinguished Commissioner Award of Merit and the Doctorate of Commissioner Science as well as two District Awards of Merit for service as an Exploring leader and as a District leader overseas. I also hold the three-bead Wood Badge and the Sea Badge advanced volunteer training awards.
On my uniform shirt I wear an international encampment emblem (called InterCamp) in which I attended and later served on staff of for several years; and an Order of the Arrow Lodge flap from one of the three Lodges in which I did most of my service within (Zit-Kala-Sha). The other two Lodges are Black Eagle (in Europe/Africa) and Kawida (in central and eastern Kentucky). On a separate shirt, you can see that I am a National Camping School graduate.
You won't find an Eagle Scout Badge on my shirt, but rather a square knot emblem (if you look really close in the above photo, it's in the center of the second row... adults wear the square knot associated with the award; youth members wear the actual award) which represents the fact that I have earned Eagle.
What or who is this "settummanque" you place on the end of your postings and articles? What does this have to do with Scouting or the Army? Are you "Native American"?
I am a Black ("African-American") man...
"Settummanque" is me. There is a separate page which explains why "sekkettummanque" was chosen for me and why I choose to use "settummanque", a "condensed version" of that Delaware Indian name. However, the page does not explain why I use it on my postings and articles which are found online.
I never thought about using "blackeagle" in anything else other than Scouting-related stuff until I was deployed and went to Eagle Base, a developed Army base and hub in Bosnia during the 90s. There, after one of the press conferences I was tasked with leading, a reporter from the Associated Press came up and asked me "What's your handle?"
It took me back a bit because the only "handle" I've ever used was a citizens-band ("CB", remember those days?) and that was "Kentucky Blackeagle".
So I asked him "What'll you mean?" He explained that he was at a unit somewhere whereby all of the officers had some "nickname" or "call sign" that they used instead of their rank and last name. Security reasons, they explained. So he asked me again, "What's yours?"
I answered "well, the only thing that people call me other than late for dinner is Mike...oh yeah, some folks called me "blackeagle". "
And the rest is, well....
If you were to use any search engine and ask it to search for the name "Mike Walton," you will find: get the idea.
Online, I have discovered more than 15 individuals with the name "Mike Walton" and another four or five using "blackeagle" or "Black Eagle." There's even a swinger-type guy named Lionel who uses "blkeaglescout" in his email address. NONE of those individuals are me.
In the earliest days of my Internet experience, during those days in which the only place my thoughts and experiences were archived was on America Online ™ , I could enter in "settummanque" and find every posting I have ever made there. I did this once to find material in support of a graduate research paper. I thought about that and decided that from that time onward, I would continue to use "settummanque, the blackeagle" to further "narrow down" those postings which were written about me as well as those I have wrote. So far, it has worked well, with more than 2717 pieces of email written by me archived on three Scouting-related sites. I use it to help you as well as to "authenicate myself" along with my email address and other elements of my postings.
Many of you have used that one word -- Delaware Indian for "black eagle" -- to find me, ask me questions about Scouting and Scouting lore; the Army; Geoworks and the GEOS platform; and just to catch up with the guy they knew from Germany, Fort Knox, Richmond, Greenwood, Henderson, South Lake Minnetonka, Radcliff, and/or "the internet".
And yes, the word "settummanque" is a trade and service mark I use in connection with what I do when I'm not doing my Army officer thing, and that is to own Rose Walton.
Thanks for asking those questions... keep 'em coming!!
(last updated April 2024)