Boy/Varsity Scout
Left Shoulder
Wearing Jamboree® Insignia
Information on displaying/wearing the 2010 National Scout Jamboree® insignia
is located at this page. Basically, the BSA used the same guidance used during all previous Jamborees with regard to the design, wearing and removal dates of non-permanent Jamboree insignia.
"non-permanent" Jamboree insignia is defined as all insignia LESS the official BSA designed and distributed Jamboree participation emblem, shown above left. Other emblems, even if they appear to have a similar design, are NOT the official emblem designated by the Boy Scouts of America and carries a trademark to avoid reproduction.
The BSA reminded me to remind folks that the word "Jamboree®" is a registered trademark of the BSA and that all emblems and designs associated with the National Scout Jamboree® are COPYRIGHTED with a REGISTERED TRADEMARK to the Boy Scouts of America.
Thanks to those all who lobbied on my behalf to allow me to display the official Jamboree® items and thanks to the BSA's Supply Group and the Jamboree Service for providing policy information.
John Q wrote and asked:
We had a Scout wearing the 2001 Jambo patch over his right breast pocket, and
a (special) council strip on his sleeve. Seems to me that a Scout can't wear a
patch for an event he hasn't attended. What's the "official" policy?

National Scout Jamboree® emblems (shown are 2013 emblems; the 2010 Centennial emblems
are located on this page and the most recent Jamboree® emblem is located above left. )
(From the BSA Winter Supply Bulletin supporting the 2017 National Jamboree)
"Scouts, Scouters, Venturers and adult Venturing leaders selected to
participate or serve as staff members may wear the Jamboree® emblem centered
above the "Boy Scouts of America" strip on the right side of the uniform shirt
(and above any and all interpreter strip(s) received and above a standard name plate) [A], immediately after their first payment toward the Jamboree has been received by the Jamboree Service.
For the 2017 National Scout Jamboree, there is a participant and a staff emblem; in 2013 there was only one official emblem. For several previous Jamborees, there has been separate adult, youth and in some cases staff emblems. In those cases, one is to be worn by individuals 17 years of age and younger; the other by individuals 18 years of
age and older.
Participants and staff members of a Jamboree may wear the official emblem as a promotion, recognition and inspirational item up to six calendar months
before the Jamboree; during any period of the Jamboree; and for an indefinate period of time after the Jamboree® at their personal preference.
For proper uniforming, the most recent Jamboree® emblem should be worn by those former participants/staff members of that Jamboree®. However,
a Scout, Venturer, or adult may wear *any* official Jamboree® emblem representing their previous Jamboree (national or international) participation. With regard
to wearing International/World Jamboree® insignia, one may wear the official emblem OR the BSA's official national contingent emblem but not bothon any of the BSA's official uniforms.
Only ONE Jamboree® emblem is to be worn at any one time.
Jamboree® insignia is worn on the upper left shoulder, high enough to accommodate special additional insignia presented or earned during that Jamboree®.
In some cases, this may consist of a "Wide Game", "staff" or "Special opportunity" emblem(s) which are worn in connection with the official Jamboree® emblem.
Local Councils [B]and the four BSA Regions may produce special
Jamboree® insignia to be worn by participants and staff members before and during
the Jamboree® and for six months after the conclusion of the National Jamboree®. Such insignia must be approved in advance by either the Regional or Council Scout Executive to purpose and usage prior to wearing.
Special Council shoulder patches, called a "Jamboree Shoulder Patch" or "JSP" may be created for each Council's unit (to include Venturing Crew(s)) and for wear by Jamboree Staff members from that Council. These insignia items are designed for temporary wear like other special Jamboree® insignia: worn before and during the Jamboree® and for six months after the conclusion of the National Jamboree®. After this time, the Scout, Venturer, or Scouter must remove the JSP and replace it with a shoulder patch reflecting the local Council of that individual.
Order of the Arrow (OA) lodges may produce special flaps for wear by their members during the Jamboree® or for sale and/or trading before, during and after the Jamboree®. They are worn as with regular flaps, one centered over the right pocket flap.
Various staff areas may produce, with the approval of the Jamboree Task Force, emblems representing their area for wear by staff members during the Jamboree. These emblems are worn one at a time centered on the right pocket or suspended from the right pocket flap.
Special shoulder loops may be created, with approval from the Council or Regional Scout Executive. These items are worn until after the conclusion of the Jamboree in which they must be removed and replaced with the official shoulder loops denoting program area or scope of service (Council/District, grey/silver; Area/Region/National, yellow/gold).
Individual Jamboree Troops are not permitted to design nor procure Jamboree® emblems except those designed/produced for that Jamboree® by their local Council or by the BSA's Supply Group.
The official Jamboree® emblems are registered trademarks of the Boy Scouts of
America, and may not be reproduced, copied or altered without the written
permission of the National Director of the Jamboree Service and the National
Director of Program."
This is in line with previous Jamborees (except for the "dual patches" to
ID youth and adult participants) which allowed those whom have paid to attend
to display the Jamboree® emblem for up to a year in advance of the Jamboree® is intended as a promotional and personal recognition item.
Great question!
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Credits: Scans courtesy of Mike Walton
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*Boy Scouts of America®, BSA®, the Universal Emblem, Arrow of Light®, Cub Scouts®, Eagle Scout®, Scouting®, Order of the Arrow®
and all other related marks and insignia, are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Boy Scouts of America in the United States and/or
other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.*