Centennial Awards
BSA Centennial Awards
The Boy Scouts of America celebrates 100 years of service to youth during 2010. In doing
so, they developed special awards and insignia designed for wear by youth and adult members
during the year and beyond.
Many of these items were designed in support of the Centennial National Scout Jamboree
during the summer of 2010. These items are described and shown on
this page and include a special Jamboree "Anniversary ring" emblem, special Jamboree
emblems, and special shoulder loops for wear by Jamboree participants and staff members.
The following are descriptions and scans of the official Anniversary rank and other items
which are ONLY to be awarded during 2010. In Janurary of 2011, the present official
rank insignia (located on this page should be worn by Cub Scouts and
Boy/Varsity Scouts.
Anniversary Cub Scout rank insignia:
The Anniversary Cub Scout rank insignia are identical to the existing rank insignia except
for the addition of the year "2010" on each item. As Cub Scouts typically only earn one
rank per year, there should only be one rank with the year "2010" on the uniform starting
with 2011.
Designs of each of the rank insignia follows:
Cub Scout Anniversary rank insignia
Anniversary Boy Scout rank insignia:
The Anniversary Boy Scout rank insignia are identical to the existing rank insignia except
for the addition of the lettering identifying the rank and the year "2010" on each item.
Designs of each of the rank insignia follows:
Boy Scout Anniversary rank insignia
Special Anniversary insignia
A special "ring" which surrounds the World Crest emblem and which announces the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America is available for wear by ALL youth or adult members. This emblem, if worn, is considered a permanent item and may be transferred from one program uniform to the next (i.e., from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting to Venturing). Shown is what the ring looks like (left) and how it should be worn with the World Crest emblem (right/center).
Special Quality Unit insignia
A special set of Centennial Quality Unit insignia (shown are the Centennial Quality Unit Award emblems; there were also Centennial Quality District, Council and Regional insignia as well as 100 percent Boys' Life® Quality Unit insignia, not shown) was also available. The same rules applied with these special insignia pieces as the wearing of ANY Quality award.
Special Anniversary insignia
Special Centennial merit badges:
Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts and male Venturers may earn four historic merit badges during 2010.
Signaling, Tracking, Pathfinding, and Carpentry are the four merit badges previously discontinued
and brought back for the Centennial year.
The program honors the BSA's great 100-year history by introducing today's Scouts to the merit badges
earned by Boy Scouts of old. To update the merit badges to present-day context, the BSA has created
supplemental information that will accompany scans of the original merit badge pamphlets.
Each merit badge is earned like any other merit badge, by completing the requirements in the merit
badge pamphlet under the supervision of a registered merit badge counselor. All requirements must
be completed by Dec. 31, 2010. These "Historic" merit badges count toward Boy Scout or Varsity Scout
rank advancement. To distingush each of these special merit badges from the standard ones, these merit
badge emblems features a gold border. The merit badge pamphlets for these badges will not be reprinted;
digital scans of the original pamphlets will be available with the additional information.
The links to the requirements are listed on the
on the BSA's Centennial subwebsite.
Jamboree ® Insignia
Special Jamboree ® insignia are described and illustrated on this page.
(The insignia, the words "Cub Scout", "Boy Scout" and each rank name are trademarks of the Boy
Scouts of America; the word "Jamboree" is a registered trademark of the Boy Scouts of America.)
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Credits: Scans courtesy of Mike Walton.
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*Boy Scouts of America®, BSA®, the Universal Emblem, Arrow of Light®, Cub Scouts®, Eagle Scout®, Scouting®, Order of the Arrow®
and all other related marks and insignia, are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Boy Scouts of America in the United States and/or
other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.*