> updated 3/7/12
complete site update
> updated 22/10/09
The Crest of Leadership (shown above) was designed by "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt as a replacement
for the various local Council youth leadership training courses. The Crest was used by the BSA (and is
STILL used by some 30 or so local Councils) to award to youth leaders for completing a set of
individual training application requirements (similar to a "ticket" which Wood Badge participants must
complete) in order to receive and wear the emblem. The emblem was originally designated as a "permanent"
emblem but that designation was removed by the BSA in 1980 with the end of the "ALL OUT FOR SCOUTING!"
leadership training emphasis.
There are several versions of the Crest out there. In 1981, the leadership of the Blue Grass Scouting Alliance
Club at Eastern Kentucky University asked and received permission to alter the Crest and to use it as its official
organizational crest. More information on the Crest of Leadership and the BGSA can be found
on a separate page.
Left Side
Wearing Training Award Medals
Wearing Training Award Medals
On 1/26/97, Drew (Andrew Hagemann) asked: (and I haven't seen any followups, so that's why I'm answering now:)
Although I've looked carefully through the Insignia Guide for help with where to attach my newly-earned Scouter's Award medal, I can't figure it out.
First, congrats!!! Second, I've looked also and there are NO illustrations on where you pin the thing, just a description of the award and who earns it and the following:
"....above left pocket"
All medals, Drew, are worn in a row immediately above the seam of the left pocket.
You should wear no more than five medals. The order is up to you. The medals should only be worn on FORMAL occasions (Courts of Honor, District/Council Recognition Banquets, etc.) and NOT during regular unit activities or events...that's what the square knot is worn for.
(If there's not a square knot for the award, because none exists or because it is a localized award for which no cloth emblem was developed, you can choose to wear the top bar of the award if one exist or you're out of luck. The BSA does not have currently a square knot to represent "all other awards". There is no documentation for the wearing of the bar for several awards, but rather history with the allowing of those holders of the William T. Hornaday medal and the Youth Leadership in America awards along with other special BSA award medals to wear the top bar (the bar which attaches to the medal and which the medal's ribbon is attached) in the same locations as other square knot awards.)
Take a look at these illustrations. The awards are mine; it's one of my newer shirts, but sorry for the coloring:
This is a SERIOUS FLAW and I've cc'ed a friend of mine serving as a volunteer with the BSA"s Uniform and Insignia Committee asking "How come? Why are we depending on "experienced Scouters" to explain where these awards that we WANT our volunteers to earn and wear go?? Isn't that why we have an Insignia Guide?"
Thanks for such a super question....it goes to show that in this (Scouts-L) forum, Drew and others, that there's never such a thing as a "silly" or "simple" question....(don't want to say "stupid" because while it may sound stupid to some of us longtimers in the BSA's Scouting program, a newcomer or a Girl Scouting or a church Scouter would really haven't a clue...and it doesn't help that our literature once again has failed them!!)
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