> updated 7/09/18
ANYTHING may be worn on the red "brag vest." Anything up to the Scout and
of course his parents. So aquatic emblems/patches may indeed be worn anywhere
on the vest. The various aquatic emblems, however, are encouraged to be worn ON SWIM
GEAR (trunks or suit). There is absolutely NO POLICY (written or otherwise) on what could or
could not be worn on the red vest. Likewise, if a Scout or Scouter is wearing a non-BSA
vest or jacket, anything may be worn on it as well.
Boy/Varsity Scout
Aquatics Emblems
Aquatic Emblems
JGil705594wrote and asked:
"Where do the various watercraft-type badges go on the uniform?? I am speaking about the Mile Swim and the BSA Lifeguard patches. Is there a special place for them or are they to go only on the swim shorts?"
This is a followup to a posting you sent to me asking where do the various aquatic emblems go on a Scout's swim trunks. At one time, I had a scan of a bright red pair of swim trunks with the emblems attached to the trunks so that I can show Scouts and Scouters how those are worn.
I have rescanned the patches and a pair of shorts to illustrate:
Here goes:
On the RIGHT SIDE of the swim trunks goes (from bottom to top):
*BSA Lifeguard emblem and/or the Aquatics Instructor, BSA emblem (one or the other should be worn; the Aquatics Instructor BSA emblem is "higher" than the basic Lifeguard emblem). The BSA's Aquatics Supervision, Paddle Craft Safety, and/or Swimming & Water Rescue emblems may also be worn here (one at a time).
On the LEFT SIDE of the swim trunks goes (from bottom to top):
*Mile Swim, BSA emblem(s) (it can be earned as many times as the Scout/Venturer chooses to earn it and has space on the left side to show it!!)
*Boardsailing, BSA, Snokelling, BSA, SCUBA BSA, Kayaking BSA and similar type aquatic emblems (all may be worn at the same time, side by side, above or beside the
Mile Swim BSA emblem(s)).
* Special swimming recognitions from local Council or Regional camps (some have Polar Bear Swim, Canoe Instructor, etc. emblems which can be worn on the trunks or suit
along with BSA emblems)
Female youth and/or adults wearing one-piece swim attire need to place these insignia piece(s), if they choose to wear them, in the appropriate lower portion of the swim attire as if they were displaying them onto shorts.
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Credits: Scans courtesy of Mike Walton.
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