> updated 3/7/12
complete site update
> updated 22/10/09
Centennial Ring emblem
There is something else which took the place of the World Crest for the BSA's 100th Anniversary, right?
Wrong. In 2007, the BSA designed a special World Crest emblem to signify the BSA's 100th Anniversary.
It was REJECTED by the BSA's National Executive Board. The following year, a special "ring emblem" to
go AROUND (technically it is "on top of") the World Crest
emblem was designed, approved and distributed to the field. ANY SCOUT, VENTURER, VOLUNTEER OR PROFESSIONAL
may wear the special 100th Anniversary Ring emblem with the World Crest (the World Crest may have to be
moved upward to accommodate the wearing of square knot insignia or other special insignia worn on the left
front of the field uniform shirt).
All Programs
Left Front
World Crest
The World Crest
The patch has always had the same design. The patch is one-inch in diameter, in the same two colors. The design is the international fleur-de-lis (flower of the lily), with two stars symbolizing "truth" and "knowledge" and alluding to the outdoor nature of Scouting, surrounded by a rope symbolic of unity and one-ness ties at the bottom by a square knot, a symbol of service. Those white items are on a deep purple (not maroon, but royal purple) background.
The 1995 Insignia Guide states that the World Crest should be centered horizontally over the left shoulder and vertically between the left shoulder seam and the top of the pocket.
The 2006 Insignia Guide states that the World Crest is worn above the left pocket by all members of the BSA.
The World Crest is a smaller symbol associated with the World Scout Flag which flies at the World Organization of Scouting Movements (WOSM) in Switzerland. It is the sole insignia common to ALL member nations of the WOSM, and in most if not all nations, where they base "their" national symbol of Scouting from. Only recently, has the Boy Scouts of America decided that all of its members will wear the World Crest as a symbol of unity and world brotherhood.
The World Organization decided after the Second World War that all member nations would issue and wear a patch with the World Crest on it as a sign of world brotherhood and unity among all Scouting organizations in the-then "free world". The BSA along with a small group of other countries agreed but declined to carry out the mandate, stating that their program "will do so when the time is right for it to happen", stated then-Chief Scout Arthur Schuck.
The first uses of the World Crest were during the World Jamboree in 1955, although the badge was available to Scouts and Scouters several years before. In 1956, however, the BSA decided that Scouts and Scouters that participate in an approved "international activity or event" would wear the Crest to and from that event as members of other nations would be doing. The following year, 1957, the BSA made the World Crest available to local Councils (it was previously only available from the BSA's International Service), and established the requirements which lasted until 1989:
"Take part in an organized international activity or event with Scouts from another member nation of the World Association".
The BSA also established the World Crest as one of the few PERMANENT patches or insignia on the Boy Scout or Scouter's uniform.
No matter how many "international activities" you took part in, you could only wear ONE per life of the Scout or Scouter.
Nor could you purchase a World Crest without a card (similar to the Eagle Scout card) which states that you are indeed the holder of the World Crest.
The crest became known as the "Overseas" patch of Scouting informally by Scouts and Scouters, because while a few were earned by Scouts and Scouters taking part in events in Canada or Mexico, many more...the majority...were earned by Scouts and Scouters serving as members of the Transatlantic (Europe, Near East, and North Africa), Far East (Far East, Japan, and the Philippines), Canal Zone (Panama) and Direct Service (all other areas around the world) Councils. Scouts and Scouters in those Councils routinely had interactions with host-nation Scouting groups and many of those Scouts and Scouters developed lifelong associations with individuals and groups over the years, camping and doing social events with them and their members. As those folks came back to the States, proudly displaying their World Crest, they were singled out for many special tasks and events in their Councils because "they have done something with foreign Scouts".
So why does EVERYONE get to wear it now?
My best guess is that there were many jealous Scouts and Scouters that could not go overseas, could not attend a Jamboree or some other event, and could not, therefore, earn the World Crest. In 1980, the BSA did something about this and changed the rules allowing for Scouts and Scouters in the USA to earn a World Crest by simply "taking part in an international exhibit or display or participate in an international event.", whether or not Scouts from another country were present or not. Robert Zadima, the Council Executive of the Transatlantic Council and his Far East counterpart, along with some members of other US local councils, strongly made their objections known to the BSA's National Director of Operations and to the International Division, but those appeals fell on deaf ears, and the policy was changed.
In 1989, the BSA once again changed the policy over the objections of many local councils, whose volunteers and professionals
had grown to respect the World Crest and what it stood for. The present policy is that the patch WILL BE WORN BY ALL YOUTH
Is there anything that has taken the place of the World Crest?
In order to earn the World Crest Badge before 1989, you must have participated in an international Scouting event or activity
lasting five days or more. Today, each local Council has the authority to determine requirements for the International
Activities badge, a 3-inch cloth patch which is worn as a TEMPORARY EMBLEM on the right pocket of the Scout or Scouter.
It is NOT worn in the PLACE OF or alongside the World Crest emblem.
International Activities emblem
Additionally, the BSA has developed the World Conservation Awards for Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts and
this emblem is likewise a TEMPORARY EMBLEM to be worn on the right pocket of the Scout or Venturer. Scouters cannot earn the World Conservation Award. The World Conservation Award is NOT a PERMANENT award, and therefore only the World Crest Badge is worn on the left side of the shirt above the pocket (or above square knots and/or year pins).
There is something else which took the place of the World Crest for the BSA's 100th Anniversary, right?
Wrong. In 2007, the BSA designed a special World Crest emblem to signify the BSA's 100th Anniversary. It was REJECTED by the BSA's
National Executive Board. The following year, a special "ring emblem" to go AROUND (technically it is "on top of") the World Crest
emblem was designed, approved and distributed to the field. ANY SCOUT, VENTURER, VOLUNTEER OR PROFESSIONAL may wear the special
100th Anniversary emblem with the World Crest (the World Crest may have to be moved upward to accommodate the wearing of square knot
insignia or other special insignia worn on the left front of the field uniform shirt).
Centennial Ring emblem (left) and Centennial Ring and World Crest emblems worn together (right)
Here are one local Council's requirements for the International Activities Badge.
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Credits: Scans courtesy of Mike Walton
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