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> updated 20/12/09
Red Scout vest with patches

ANYTHING may be worn on the red "brag vest." Anything up to the Scout and of course his parents. So Coast Guard and Air Force patches may indeed be worn anywhere on the vest. There is absolutely NO POLICY (written or otherwise) on what could or could not be worn on the red vest. Likewise, if a Scout or Scouter is wearing a non-BSA vest or jacket, anything may be worn on it as well.


Boy/Varsity Scout Insignia Left Front Arrow of Light

Cub Scout Arrow of Light Award

D. Jack Haycock wrote and asked:

I am trying to figure out if I am entitled to wear the Adult Arrow of Light knot.

Arrow of Light 
square knot emblem

Heretofore, I have not, but a scouter recently asked me why not. I replied that the AOL award was not put in until after I was out of Cubs. I was a Cub Scout from 1961-64. I earned my Wolf, Bear, Lion & Webelos. I know the symbol for the Webelos was the Arrow of Light, but I thought that was different from the actual award later instituted. Can you help?

Sure, Jack.

First, you ARE entitled to wear the Arrow of Light square knot insignia on your uniform.

The square knot was created to be worn by any male who have received the Arrow of Light Award (called such starting in 1969) and it's predecessor, the WEBELOS Award (which is DIFFERENT from the present-day WEBELOS RANK) -- both with the same design: the seven rays over the arrow as shown. Whether you called it the WEBELOS Award or the Arrow of Light, the award was - and still is - the highest award in Cub Scouting.

old WEBELOS Award

Before the Arrow of Light, a separate award called the WEBELOS Award (above) was earned. The Arrow of Light was developed in the late 30s and took the place of this award. Arrow of Light/old WEBELOS Award

Either way, this is the highest award in Cub Scouting. Very few Cubs earn this award, believe it or not!

Those whom have earned the first version of the WEBELOS Award (a diamond with the capital letter "W" inside it) are also eligible to wear the Arrow of Light square knot.

Those who have only earned the WEBELOS Cub Scout rank, and NOT the Arrow of Light, CAN NOT wear the Arrow of Light square knot insignia, simply because they have not earned the "highest award in Cub Scouting". That's the key.

So go down to your Council office, trading post, or Scout Shop(tm) and pick up your Arrow of Light square knot emblem and wear it proudly!

Thanks for asking, Jack!!


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