> updated 24/12/09
The Crest of Leadership (shown above) was designed by "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt as a replacement
for the various local Council youth leadership training courses. The Crest was used by the BSA (and is
STILL used by some 30 or so local Councils) to award to youth leaders for completing a set of
individual training application requirements (similar to a "ticket" which Wood Badge participants must
complete) in order to receive and wear the emblem. The emblem was originally designated as a "permanent"
emblem but that designation was removed by the BSA in 1980 with the end of the "ALL OUT FOR SCOUTING!"
leadership training emphasis.
There are several versions of the Crest out there. In 1981, the leadership of the Blue Grass Scouting Alliance
Club at Eastern Kentucky University asked and received permission to alter the Crest and to use it as its official
organizational crest. More information on the Crest of Leadership and the BGSA can be found
on a separate page.
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Left Shoulder
Position border colors
Border Colors Used on Position Patches
For instance, both the Scoutmaster AND Senior Patrol Leader emblems would be be "bordered in silver" because both serve as leaders of the Troop; the Council President, Regional President, and National President would also be bordered in silver as well as the Council and National Commissioner (Regions do not have Commissioners, which is a serious underpinning in *my* opinion) (I guess someone read this because our four Regions DO have Commissioners, and their emblems are bordered and
lettered in the same manner as Council and District Commissioners) and the District, Council, Regional and Chief Scout Executives.
Their Assistants or Staff members -- Assistant Scoutmasters, Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders, Council Vice-Presidents, Regional Vice-Presidents, and National Vice-Presidents -- position emblems would be bordered in gold (yellow, actually); likewise, the Assistant Regional, Council and District Commissioner's badges of office are in gold as well as Associate District Executives, Council Staff members, Regional and National Executive Staff members' badges of office are bordered and lettered in gold (yellow).
Those on a Committee -- at the unit, District, Council, Area, Regional or National levels -- their badges of position would all be bordered in bronze. This also includes members of Council, Regional and National Executive Boards and Advisory Boards.
So, the Scribe position badge looked like this:
You can see from the border color that this person "supported" the primary leader (in this case, the Senior Patrol Leader).
In the middle 90s, the BSA decided that its unit insignia and some selected local Council and District insignia would be in all tan
to "match the uniform shirts better" and to "give the illusion that the insignia is sewn directly to the shirt". Because the existing "legacy" insignia is plentiful, however, either badge of office is suitable to wear with either the current "Centennial" shirt or the "legacy" khaki-tan shirt.
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Credits: Scans courtesy of Mike Walton
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