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Explorer Achievement Award
Explorer Achievement Award
Harold Adams asked:
I am trying to locate any information available to find out if the Explorer Achievement Award was available during the
1970s. I have looked around trying to find an Explorer handbook from that era, but have not come up with one.
You won't find the Exploring Acheivement Award in an Explorer Handbook, Harold, because one, there wasn't one issued
in the 70s (from 1971 through 1979) and two, the Exploring Achievement Award wasn't conceived until 1976 and
approved in 1977 with the first awards in 1978.
If the award was available during that time frame, what were the requirements?
You're in luck, Harold. I was honored to be one of the originators and one of the first holders of this award, which only
consisted of a lapel pin, certificate signed by the National Explorer President, and a square knot.

Exploring Achievement Award (second version; the first version has the old "Big E" emblem instead)
The square knot emblem was shared with the previous holders of the Ranger,
Ace, Silver and other awards less Quartermaster previous to the EAA and that
was the stumbling block which prevented the award from existing a year or so
The requirements for the Award, which by the way, still exists for Learning
for Life/Explorers are the following:
1. The candidate must have been an active, registered Explorer for at least
18 months before final qualification.
2. The candidate must have been an active member of an Explorer Post or
Ship and served in one or a combination of leadership roles, within the past
12 months (roles may be concurrent).
3. The candidate must have participated, as a participant and/or
committeemember, in a District/Exploring Division/Council, Area, Regional or
National Explorer event.
4. The candidate must, in consultation with the Post Advisor/Ship Skipper
or a member of the Post/Ship Committee, set two personal growth goals
relating to two of the six Explorer Experience Areas, in which the Explorer
certifies completion of the goals.
5. The candidate must plan, prepare for, and lead to completion one or more
Post/Ship activity projects which relates to at least two OTHER Explorer
Experience Areas.
6. The candidate must submit evidence, such as letters or statements to
the Post Advisor/Ship Skipper, that he or she is living in accordance with
the principles of the Explorer Code and the Boy Scouts of America, A minimum
of three letters of statements are required from (1) school/church officials,
(2) employers/community leaders and (3) neighbors/adult acquanitances.
7. After the completion of all other requirements, the candidate is to meet
with an appropriate assembly, outside of the post (in a district or Council
Exploring committee meeting), to present orally and in writing, an overview
of his or her experiences as they relate to the six Explorer Experience
Areas; and a personal appraisal of how the pursuit of the Explorer
Achievement Award aided his/her development as a young adult and helped
him/her to live in accordance with the principles of the Explorer Code.
8. Finally, all requirements and qualifications must be met before the
candidate's 21st birthday.
Thanks for asking, Harold. In the middle 90s, the EAA was replaced
by the Exploring Growth Opporunties in Leadership Development (G.O.L.D)
Award (same requirements, the addition of a medallion suspended from a white
ribbon), which is still being used by the Learning for Life/Exploring
program. Traditional Explorers (as in BSA Explorers) may earn the award
until December 31st, 1999 at which time only participants in Learning for
Life/Exploring may earn and wear the award (less the square knot). The
requirements have been modified to remove all references to BSA activities
and the BSA; the Explorer Code still exists for Learning for Life/Explorers until
the end of 1999.
There is no provision for holders (there are nineteen, according to the
BSA's old Exploring Division) of both EAA and G.O.L.D. Awards to wear a
device or something denoting earning both, although some holders have chosen
to wear the small Exploring device centered on the knot to signify earning
both awards.
The square knot emblem is currently also used by holders of the Exploration Awards (until 2003)
and the BSA's Young American Awards as well as those holders of all previous Exploring awards before 1998.
Hope this all helps out, Harold!
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