> updated 20/08/11
A fully-embrordered as well as this silk-screened version of this special neckerchief
can be purchased by Eagle Scouts. This may be worn ONLY by Eagle Scouts, even
when the Troop, Team or Crew has established their own neckerchief colors/designs.
Boy/Varsity Scout
Eagle Scout
Eagle Scout® neckerchiefs
Hi Lisa!!
You wrote and asked me:
I am the new advancement chair in my troop. We have an Eagle Court of Honor coming up. I was told to purchase the blue embroidered Eagle neckerchief for the new Eagle, and to also purchase the white NESA neckerchief as he is already 18 and "won't be able to wear the blue one after his court of honor.
I think some good-intentioned folks have some things confused. Let me help to un-confuse them and you.
I can't find anything on this on the NESA website, in my Insignia Guide, or anywhere. Can you clarify?
Each Troop or Team determines what the neckerchief "policy" will be -- this means that the Patrol Leaders' Council decides on a color combination, a single color, or a custom-made neckerchief to be worn by EVERYONE in the Troop or Team with two exceptions - Eagle Scouts and Wood Badge holders.
Eagle Scouts may wear the blue Eagle Scout neckerchief at ANY TIME. The blue Eagle Scout neckerchief may also be worn by adults who have earned the Eagle Scout Award.
What your friend was getting confused was the fact the Eagle Scout INSIGNIA cannot be worn on the uniform after he turns 18 -- the cloth badge is to be replaced by the red white and blue Eagle Scout square knot insignia and the medal cannot be worn except during formal occasions. Neckerchiefs are NOT insignia -- it is neckwear. As far as wearing the neckerchief, it is his personal option to wear the Eagle Scout neckerchief or the Troop's neckerchief, under or over 18 years of age.
Members of the National Eagle Scout Asssociation (NESA) have a distinctive white neckerchief with the NESA patch pre-sewn onto the corner. This neckerchief may be worn at any time ONLY by NESA members (not by Eagle Scouts whom are NOT paid-up members of NESA).
The original intent was to have NESA members wear this neckerchief when participating in NESA activities or functions -- but very few local Councils have such activities other than an annual Eagle Scout dinner or recogntion event. Again, the NESA member has the option of wearing this OR the Eagle Scout neckerchief OR the Troop/Team's neckerchief -- it is a PERSONAL preference.
The other exception is for those adults who are participating in the Wood Badge program; but since you didn't ask me about that, I won't explain it except to say that there are two distinctive neckerchiefs in that area as well...one which is worn by "participants" (learners) and the other by non-unit holders of the Wood Badge. They should wear those neckerchiefs while participating in Wood Badge-related events or activities; additionally, Wood Badge holders whom are NOT members of a unit may wear the Wood Badge neckerchief "universally".
Thank you for asking me!
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