> updated 25/12/09
Left Side/Knot Insignia
Tiger Cub Leader (Training) Award
Tiger Cub Leader (Training) Award
 Tiger Cub
Leader (Training) Award
 Tiger Cub Leader Award
Description: Uniform knot emblem is composed of orange and black ropes
tied in a square knot on a yellow background with a red border, with the
orange rope worn toward the wearer's right as shown. (personal comment here: the
BSA redesigned this square knot to match others; the earlier version was narrower
and the square knot design did not correspond to any of the other established
designs). Colors come from the ribbon colors of the medallion as well as the
colors of Tiger Cub Scouting. This award may be discontinued as Tiger Cubs is
no longer a separate program and Tiger Cub Den Leaders may be eligible to earn
the Den Leader (Training) Award.
Worn by: Tiger Cub Den Leaders, Male and Female Scouters
Earned or Received: Earned
Application for Tiger Cub Leader Award
Background: The Tiger Cub Leader Award is earned by Tiger Cub Leaders
after completing two years of service, completing the Cub Scout Basic
training course including the session for Tiger Cub Leaders and
attendance at a Pow-Wow, and the completion of five of eight performance
Rarity of Award: Common to Rare as program ends
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Credits: Scans courtesy of Mike Walton.
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