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Unit Veteran Flag emblem
Unit Veteran Flag emblem
With many units conducting research to see just how old they are, some are asking about some sort of flag recognition
for the longivity of the unit. There has been such an item since 1930.
In 1930, the Boy Scouts of America introduced the first of two emblems which were designed to be displayed on the unit's flag. The first emblem
resembled the individual veteran award for ten and later fifteen years. This would represent ten years or more of continuous registration.
These emblems are designed -- then as now -- to be worn, one at a time, six inches from the center edge of the flag (where normally the two colors clash) and basically half-way between where the center emblem is. See the flag illustration below.

Flag with (current) Unit Veteran emblem displayed
Somewhere around the middle 50s, the BSA changed the design of the Unit Veteran emblem to match the emblem found on individual veteran
lapel pins and tiebars. This is the current design used by the BSA. Two veteran flag emblems are sold; the intent is for the emblem to be sewn in the same location on the front and back of the flag. Most units only sew one emblem to the front of the flag.
Unit Veteran Flag Emblem (old, left; current, right)
A special uniform item was also designed to be worn above the unit number; and special decals were affixed to
the unit's charter by the National office to certify this accomphishment. Over the years, the design of the individual unit emblem changed (see page for more information) however the flag emblem itself has not changed.
In 1973, the BSA revised the requirement for wearing the veteran unit bar and stated that all certifications would be done by the BSA's Registration Service because of the number of local Councils which have been created or merged in the years between 1960 and 1973.
The veteran flag emblems are not displayed with District, Council, Area or Regional flags. They are also not displayed with unoffical flags nor with activity flags.
The emblems are available for special order at the time a flag is purchased; or separately through local Council trading posts or Scout Shops(tm). They also may be special ordered directly from the BSA Supply Group.
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Credits: Scans courtesy of Mike Walton
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