Merit Badge
Merit Badge Sash
One of the oldest parts of the Scout uniform, the merit badge sash is the place to
display merit badges AND more recently activity or special event patches and insignia.
The merit badge sash is worn FORMALLY ONLY by Scouts. Venturers and Sea Scouts have an option to wear a
On this page are answers to the commonly asked questions dealing with merit badge sashes,
who wears them, when, and why/why not.
"Can I wear any merit badges on my Scout shirt?"
Up to SIX merit badges may be worn on the right long- or short-sleeved Scout shirt by Scouts
who chooses to do so. If worn on the long-sleeved shirt, the merit badges are worn six inches
above the cuff in rows of two. If worn on the short-sleeved shirt, the merit badges are worn
immediately above the edge of the shirt cuff in two rows of three merit badges (because of the size of the sleeve).
When a Scout earns the seventh merit badge, ALL merit badges are removed from the shirt
and are placed onto the merit badge sash.
An illustration is provided to assist with the placement of up to six merit badges on a Scout
short or long-sleeved shirt for "best uniforming".
"If I only have one or two merit badges, must I or can I wear them on a merit badge sash? An
adult in my unit says that I have to wear a merit badge sash even if I earned one merit badge."
You can choose to wear those one or two merit badges as stated above, on your uniform shirt; or
you may choose to wear those merit badges on a merit badge sash. It is YOUR CALL as to which manner
you wish to display your first few merit badges. Remember however, that once you have earned the
7th merit badge, ALL of the merit badges are to be moved and worn only on a merit badge
What IS a Merit Badge Sash?
A merit badge sash is a piece of olive drab cloth (matches the color of the standard uniform
pants). Former Explorers and current Venturers wear a piece of kelly green cloth (which used
to match the uniform pants and now just matches the shirt). The merit badge sash is designed
for PERMANENT display of the merit badges earned by a Scout.
The sash is worn suspended from the RIGHT shoulder and downward at a slant as illustrated
Wearing the merit badge sash
The merit badge sash is worn during formal activities and events, and not during
Troop meetings or campouts. A "Formal activity" is an awards ceremony, a Blue and Gold
banquet, a Troop Court of Honor or Team Awards ceremony, a recognition dinner staged by
a unit, District, Council or Region, and special activities which lends itself to wearing
the merit badge sash. Serving as an escort for a special guest during a dinner is a good
example; serving as an usher is not. Serving as a accolade may be. The key is that the
sash physically gets in the way of doing anything except looking good...therefore, it should
only be worn during those times in which your role is purely "one in which you're looking
good" and not doing a lot of physical exertion. Flag details and color guards are NOT
"special occasions" since the sash tends to fall or slip off at the most inappropriate times.
This is also why the merit badge sash is NOT worn during summer camps, regular Troop meetings,
or any other time other than FORMALSPECIAL OCCASIONS.
Only one sash may be worn at any time.
What Goes and Doesn't Go on a Sash?
Merit Badges goes on the sash. There are more
than 100 merit badges issued by the Boy Scouts
of America at any given time, and no more than 130 of them. Very few Scouts earn more than 50
merit badges and those who do earn more than fifty normally do not earn all 100 or so of them
before they turn 18 years of age. There are plenty of exceptions, and I personally know of
several Eagle Scouts whom have earned all of the merit badges available to them at the time
of their registration as Scouts.
Merit badges are one-inch diameter badges illustrating a skill, hobby, vocation or occupation.
More information on merit badges, including areas in which they are to be earned in as well as
full color scans or illustrations of them can be found at
Merit badges may be worn in any order that the Scout chooses, and not
necessarily in alphabetical nor "required-non required" order. Most Scouts
choose to wear merit badges in the order in which they have earned them.
Merit badges ONLY are worn on the FRONT of the sash. On the back of the sash, additional
merit badges may be sewn as well as temporary insignia may be sewn.
"Temporary insignia" is defined by the BSA as special insignia for
participating in unit, District, Council or national events or programs. Previous rank, service
stars and pins are NOT to be worn on the sash.
The 50-Miler, large camp patches, Historic Trails Award, aquatic emblems
(like Mile Swim or Boardsailing emblems) and other "equipment decoration insignia" do NOT go onto
a merit badge sash -- there are separate places for those items.
John Ross wrote and reminded me of an important item:
The Varsity Letter and Gold Bar Pins may also be worn on the front of the Merit Badge Sash (not the back).
And he is absolutely correct!! Thank you very much! Varsity Scouts who earn their Varsity Letter may wear at their option the Varsity letter on the bottom edge of the merit badge sash; or as shown on a jacket as shown on the Varsity program page.
Male and female Scouts wear merit badge sashes as shown above. There is NO distinction between how the sash is worn by males or females.
How far down from the "top" should the merit badges be sewn?
Take a look at the below graphic; there should be a half inch space from the top edge of the merit badge sash to the top of the first row of merit badges, whether you are sewing them on the front or back of the sash.
How Many Merit Badges Are Worn in a Row?
On the wide sash, three merit badges should be worn in a row as shown here;
on the narrow sash, two merit badges should be worn in a row as shown.
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Credits: Scans courtesy of Mike Walton; Elizabeth Germain, 17 at the time, is wearing some of her merit badges and her new Eagle Scout cloth badge on her shirt, poses for a portrait outside of her home in Denver on Feb. 17, 2021. Germain, 17, is among the first females to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout. Germain is a Northfield High School graduate. (Denver Post photo)
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