> updated 7/04/09
ANYTHING may be worn on the red "brag vest." Anything up to the Scout and
of course his parents. So aquatic emblems/patches may indeed be worn anywhere
on the vest. The various aquatic emblems, however, are encouraged to be worn ON SWIM
GEAR (trunks or suit). There is absolutely NO POLICY (written or otherwise) on what could or
could not be worn on the red vest. Likewise, if a Scout or Scouter is wearing a non-BSA
vest or jacket, anything may be worn on it as well.
All Programs
Left side
Position emblem background
Background Colors Used on Position Patches
The BACKGROUND COLOR of a badge of office would distinguish the level of service of the wearer of the position patch:
Dark blue is used traditionally for Cub Scouting unit positions; middle green for Boy Scouting unit positions; those serving
on District or local Council levels wear badges of office with light blue background; Area Scouters wear patches with dark green
backgrounds; regional Scouters wear badges of office with "wine" or maroon backgrounds; and National Scouters wear patches with
purple backgrounds. Additionally, National Scouter patches are fully embrodered as shown below. Those serving in positions which cross
over to all levels wear white bordered patches.
The fully or partially embrodered emblems with the Mylar thread on it's border and/or within the text of the emblem, denoted a FULLY TRAINED volunteer
or professional member. This was removed in the middle 80s by the re-introduction of the "Trained" strip. Some insignia still have the Mylar threaded border.
| |
 | |  |
Pack Committee | | Troop Committee |
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District Committee | | Council Committee |
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Area Committee | | Regional Committee |
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National Committee | |
(Women's) Reserve |
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Assistant District Commissioner | | District Executive Staff |
Something weird happened when the BSA created round badges of office for Exploring leaders. Under the original scheme, ALL Commissioner
badges of office are in light red, or orange while professional badges of office are in a
darker red or red. However, the BSA also created Exploring insignia using the Commissioner background colors and the "special position"
border color (red). The BSA's justification for this is that red has always been associated with the Exploring program, and there should be
little to no confusion between the "Big E" of Exploring and the Commissioner's wreath of service for Commissioners and professionals.
Starting in 2001, an attempt was made to create the majority of the BSA's position emblems at the unit level with a tan background regardless of program. It was thought that the tan background matches the
uniform color best and creates a "seamless look" on the shirts. The verdict is still out on this, because most Scouts and Scouters really liked these versions, whereby the patch could easily be distinguished from
the shirt. This and other pages will be updated with the "legacy" and "current" versions of the various position emblems.
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Please help me by providing me full-sized scans of insignia items which do not appear here.
I will take your insignia in trade, borrow them and return them to you within a week; or you can provide fullcolor, full-sized scans. I'll give you credit in the opening page for the contribution.
Please help me to help other Scouts and Scouters in this project!
Credits: Scans courtesy of Mike Walton.
This webpage is designed for printing, three-hole punching, and insertion into
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© 2009 Settummanque!
Designed by
Mike Walton

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*Boy Scouts of America®, BSA®, the Universal Emblem, Arrow of Light®, Cub Scouts®, Eagle Scout®, Scouting®, Order of the Arrow®
and all other related marks and insignia, are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Boy Scouts of America in the United States and/or
other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.*