Boy/Varsity Scout
Left Shoulder
"Trained" Strip emblem
Scott Andrews asked:
Does anyone use the "Trained" patch to recognize youth that have gone through
youth training of any kind?

Present "Legacy" Trained Strip/patch (top)
Present "Centennial" Trained Strips (left Cub Scouting; right all other programs)
I don't know about anyone else, Scott, but it's BSA POLICY that youth members
whom are trained receive the "Trained" strip and wear the strip during the
tenure of their office. After their tenure's up, they remove the strip until
they are either trained in the new position or reelected or reappointed in
their youth leadership position.
The immediate reference to this is found in the BSA's official Insignia Guide,
in the Boy Scout and Explorer sections and in the section on volunteer and
youth training. There's also some brief discussion on this matter in the old
(current) Scoutmasters' Handbook.
Adults whom complete basic training for the position in which they wear the badge of
office on their uniform (registered or as a "multiple") also wear this strip to signify their training.
Older Scouters remember that a version of this strip has been
around off and on for a while.
Before the BSA went wild with colorful insignia, a set of "Trained" strip corresponding
to the background color of the uniform (or contrasting in the case of the Boy Scout
"Trained leader" patch, as shown below), were available for wear by those that completed
basic and some intermediate training for their registered position.
Old Trained strips for Cub Scouting (left), Boy Scouting (center) and Exploring (right)
From 1972 to 1980, the BSA created special fully embrodered versions of key adult positions.
These special "Cornerstone" versions of the patches were only available initially to those that completed the Cornerstone course (a cross between basic and Fast Start) and had some period of time to use the skills learned in the course. Of course, these special patches became hot
items for patch collectors and those that would rather wear the full-colored ones instead of the partially-sewn versions. The BSA finally abandoned the just needed some quality control from the local Council level, that's all...and released the patches out to the local Councils.
"Cornerstone" patches were available for all Cub Scouting positions (including Den Mother, which was being phased out in favor of Den Leader) and Assistant, and for Troop Committee Chair, Troop Committeemember, Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster and District Executive (for a short period of time). Those limited numbers of District Executive, Troop Committee Chair and Troop Committee patches have become very rare items.
Seen an "old timer" around wearing one of these?? Trained SMs used to wear the ones on the left; untrained ones would wear the regular ones on the right. The BSA introduced the Trained Strip in 1980 to "replace" the fully embrordered patches for trained leaders. You can
still see some Scouters wear them and they are still considered "offical" as long as the leader
wearing it has completed the BASIC training for the position. Better have a card ready if you
wear one of those patches!
Furthermore, does anyone know of a list of
requirements or regulations regarding the "Trained" patch?
The "Trained" strip is presented by the trainer to those individuals whom have
completed the basic training appropriate to their postition. For instance,
adults normally receive the "Trained" strip at the conclusion of Cub Scout, Boy
Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturing basic training courses. Den Chiefs receive
the strip at the conclusion of the Den Chief's Workshop held on a District or
Council basis. Senior Patrol Leaders and others receive the strip when their
Scoutmaster concluded the Troop Operations Workshop. Venturing youth leaders
will receive the strip at the conclusion of the Venturing Leadership Workshop.
Finally, professionals should wear the "Trained" strip at the conclusion of
their three-phased training insitute (PEI-III).
The standard sized OR the "smaller sized" (see below) "Trained" strip goes under (and should be touching) the
emblem of office in which the person is trained when wearing the "legacy" or older shirts; or when wearing the current "Centennial" uniform shirts
which does NOT have the "technology pocket" on the left shoulder. This graphic shows that the person is "doublly trained" ("overtrained?")
The smaller "Trained" strip is worn *on the flap* of the "technology pocket" (the left shoulder pocket) when wearing the
"Centennial" uniform shirt. There are two versions:
The green bordered and lettered version should be worn by Venturers and Venturing adults, Sea Scouting adults and Sea Scouts; and by Boy/Varsity Scouts and Scouters. The red bordered and lettered version should be worn by Cub Scouting adults.

Current Strips for wear with the "Centennial" uniform (or any other field uniform).

"Trained" wall certificate for presentation with the strip
There are other UNOFFICIAL strips which state other training status ("overtrained", "pottytrained", "untrainable") of the individual; but
for CORRECT uniforming those strips should NOT be worn.
Our DE has indicated that our district leaves the use of the "Trained" patch,
for youth wear, to the discretion of the Troop Committee.
He too, needs to pick up a copy of the BSA's Insignia Guide or the newer Guide to Awards and Recognitions and take a look at
what it states.
The wording cannot be any clearer.
I will be asking the TC to approve requirements for youth earning the
"Trained" patch but my PLC has yet to decide on what requirements to include
for suggestion to the TC. I have been leaning toward: earn First Class Rank
and participate in a Junior Leadership Training workshop.
The First Class requirement is off-base, Scott.
The ONLY requirement is that they complete the training for their position, and
for Boy Scout Troop leaders, it's the Troop Operations Workshop (but the JLT
course done on a District or Council basis should also suffice...but you should
be doing the training YOURSELVES (and save *grinning*)!
Hope this helps out.
Great question!

Individual pages explain each element found here:
Council Shoulder Strip
Unit Veteran Bars
Unit numbers
Position emblems
Brownsea Junior Leadership Training emblem
Trained Strip
Commissioner Arrowhead Honor Award
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Credits: Scans courtesy of Mike Walton
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Credits: Scans courtesy of Mike Walton
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